An architect proposes a third plan according to Glilot: towers of 50-60 floors for employment

A third plan for the Pi Glilot complex will soon be submitted to the Israel Lands Administration. The plan was designed by architect Shlomo Gartner, who proposes to build 17,000 apartments and another 1.8 million square meters for employment. Gartner says that he has nothing to do with any land owners in the complex, and his goal is to present a position according to which construction in the complex should be crowded and increased and the area of the park included in it should be increased.

Pi Glilot’s official construction plan was submitted a few months ago to the District Planning and Building Committee. It was designed by architect Adam Mazor, it includes 14,000 housing units and additional employment areas, and was approved in principle by the district committee. The official plan was commissioned by the Israel Lands Administration and the steering committee of the project.

About two months ago, Pi Glilot presented an alternative plan for the complex, designed by architect Moshe Safdie. In this plan, it was proposed to reduce residential construction to only 12,000 housing units, and to lower some of the buildings in the project. For the time being, it appears that the district committee will first discuss the official plan, and only then Safdie’s plan.

In the plan presented by Gartner, it is proposed to carry out construction of 3.8 million square meters, of which 53% (2 million square meters) are intended for residential use, and the remainder for employment. The proposed average density is estimated at 12 housing units per gross dunam and 26 housing units per net dunam.

The height of the buildings in the employment areas is estimated at 50-60 floors. In the residential areas, it is proposed to combine buildings with a height of 30-40 floors and serial buildings with a height of 6-8 floors. The plan proposes to expropriate 55% of the area of the complex to public areas. The area of the proposed park is estimated at 400 dunams.


  • Matthew Lutrell

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    • Alice Johnson

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do consectetur adipiscing elit incididunt. Consectetur adipiscing elit tempor incididunt ut labore consectetur adipiscing elit.

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