As the phoenix: a new design city resurrected
Commercial spaces and restaurants in a magical atmosphere under the "Sky" ceiling. Imaging: 3DEVISION
Inner square
A perimeter wall separates the desert space from the inner streets. Imaging: 3DEVISION
The design city from the outside
A built complex of about 100 thousand square meters. Photo: Design City
The design city from the outside
Protective spaces surround the built complex and accompany the internal access and traffic roads and the development wall of the level differences to the peripheral roads and streets. The design city has two main entrances with entrance plazas, to which guests will arrive by buses, taxis or private vehicles – one in the west with direct access to the main level, and the other with access to the covered parking level, which extends to the entire length and width of the building.
The legendary architect’s sources of inspiration as a creator and artist for the design city, together with the team that works with him, include the environment, the landscape, the climate and the cultural heritage of the project space, but also the vision of the future of the space and our perception of the future of the people, the state and society in Israel as a progressive society In relation to the world is developing, growing and crowding. The specific entrepreneurs in the Design City project and their physical and economic vision also have a significant part in the formation of the project.
The inner square is inspired by St. Mark's Square in Venice. Imaging: 3DEVISION
Inner square
The design stores will occupy an area of approximately 50 thousand square meters. Imagery: 3DEVISION
Visualization of a design shop
“Leading the planning of a huge project, bearing the title ‘The Design Capital of Israel’, is a unique and challenging process, especially at a time when lifestyle habits of consumption and activity in general are changing from the physical space to the virtual space,” says Shlomo Gartner about the Design City. “The operation of a huge shopping and entertainment center on a national level must be based on being an experiential, romantic, exciting and inviting space for repeat visits. The physical architectural construction, with its open spaces and sources, constitutes the infrastructure for a variety of complementary elements, such as diverse vegetation, flowing water, background music , artists in local street shows, a central performance stage, booths and seating areas along the streets and squares. Everything will merge into a special atmosphere, which develops and changes throughout the day and week, in which the creativity of planning and design and the creativity of operation and management are combined.”
Remains of material-historical culture as a source of influence. Photo: Design City
Architectural construction
Matthew Lutrell
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